One Card discovery phase engagement sessions
Through the 2019 McMaster IT Strategic Plan engagement sessions, McMaster stakeholders identified a need for an integrated and expanded One Card solution—an enterprise business system that provides a coordinated and central approach to manage, support and integrate other systems across multiple service areas.
What does that mean in practical terms? A One Card solution could combine previously separate systems for a seamless experience. For example, after proving their identity at an exam, a student picks up a celebratory dinner at a hospitality location, buys a McMaster sweatshirt at the Campus Store, and then returns to their residence room, opening all secure doors. They then relax by attending a School of the Arts concert. All on their One Card.
This kind of integration would simplify processes by reducing the duplication of data, costs, resources, effort and systems across the McMaster community.
During the Discovery phase, McMaster is seeking to understand the policies, processes, and infrastructure required to support an expanded and integrated system. Engagement sessions are key because they help the project team identify the needs of our campus community members. This will inform the roadmap for a possible One Card system at McMaster. For more information about the discovery phase see the proposal here.
Seventeen key stakeholder groups have been identified to participate in workshops and interviews. These stakeholders represent a diverse cross-section of departments and faculties on campus, and along with a student engagement session, will contribute to the development of a roadmap and recommendation for the next phase. Engagement sessions will take place in November.
If you or your department feel that you would be a good fit for a stakeholder interview, please contact the project manager, Liana Bontempo at
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