McMaster IT Strategic Planning Underway
On April 24th, Gayleen Gray and the IT Strategic Plan Steering Committee kicked off their Strategic Planning process. The initial planning session was facilitated by Meghan Kirwin, of The Kirwin Group.
The development of the McMaster IT Strategic Plan is the next step in implementing the recommendations from the IT Services Review. It will frame the goals and objectives for IT across the entire university for the next five years.
The IT Strategic Plan will include:
- Vision and Strategic Pillars – to guide and shape the direction of the plan
- Strategic objectives – long term achievement targets for the next three years
- Annual Goals – Specific actions and initiatives to achieve each year
The next session for the McMaster IT Strategic Plan Steering Committee will be held on May 31st and will focus on Strategic Objectives, validating the key concepts related to the Vision, Strategic Pillars and the Guiding IT Principles for decision making.
Following this session, Gayleen will provide an opportunity to engage the McMaster IT community in the process with some open sessions in June. More details on this and additional activities to follow.
Members of the IT Strategic Steering Committee are:
- Gayleen Gray, Associate Vice President and Chief Technology Officer,
- Dee Henne, Assistant Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
- Susan Denburg, Associate Vice President, Academic Faculty of Health Science,
- Jeremiah Hurley, Dean, Faculty of Social Science,
- Sue Becker, Professor Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour,
- Kevin Beatty, Director Housing and Conference Services,
- Michael Curwin, Manager, Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering,
- Andrea Thyret-Kidd, Project Manager, Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Office,
- Jodie Lobana, Graduate Student DeGroote School of Business and GSA Board Member,
- Selene Dominguez Florean, Undergraduate Student, SRA Commerce, MSU
Stay tuned for more updates on the strategic planning process and how to get involved in the weeks to come!
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