McMaster University’s current Cellular Expense (usage, plans, stipends, devices and accessories, etc.) is approximately $1.2M annually for 1100-1200 device users. Senior staff and faculty, critical service workers, and mobile workers make up most of the mobile device users for which the University provides cellular expense compensation (others being some employees and contractors under special project or contractual arrangements). A consultant (eTEL Technologies Inc.) was engaged to complete an assessment and build an implementation plan /Roadmap for Centralized Cellular Services.
As a result of the assessment, a multi-phase project has been proposed to adopt a Centralized Cellular Service model. Implementing phase 1 of this project has already begun and has enabled the university to realize immediate saving opportunities by migrating to the Rogers (VOR) Vendor of Record. In summary, we have converted 300 of the 800 users left to covert, while realizing $11,000 per month in savings for these migrated users. The project is now in Phase 2 utilizing a staged, multi-phase approach that allows us to adopt a Centralized Cellular Service model. The purpose of this project is to migrate customers to the McMaster Vendor of Record with Rogers and continue to implement, assess and enhance process for Cellular Services to the McMaster Community. This will include a closing evaluation and recommendations for next steps and any additional resourcing requirements for the Centralized Cellular Service implementation.