Enhanced IT governance process introduced at McMaster event

In April, McMaster University senior administrators, academic leaders, IT professionals and interested campus community partners convened to discuss enhancements to IT governance.
The meeting featured key university leaders including Susan Tighe, provost and vice-president (academic), Saher Fazilat, vice-president (operations and finance) and Gayleen Gray, associate vice-president and chief technology officer.
IT governance is the process our university uses to endorse, guide and implement major IT initiatives that support our mission in teaching, learning and research, affecting students, staff and faculty.
The event marked a significant transition towards an annual call for proposals for IT initiatives, starting in 2024. Under the new process, submissions for significant IT projects to be implemented in the following fiscal year will be accepted from May to July. This schedule is designed to foster a more structured and strategic planning and review process, ensuring that IT projects are well-aligned with the university’s strategic goals and resource availability.

The gathering also served as a collaborative forum where university leaders discussed and refined the principles that will guide the prioritization of projects received through this annual call. These principles are crafted to ensure that each IT initiative aligns with McMaster’s broader objectives while considering integration, community impact, budget and risk.
Furthermore, the event served as the launch platform for MacITGo, a new IT navigation service designed to support leaders and teams in navigating the revised governance process and IT project lifecycle. MacITGo provides valuable resources including templates, comprehensive project guides and expert consultation to align IT projects with our university’s strategic ambitions.
For further details about these enhancements to IT governance, including a statement from McMaster’s leadership, visit the IT Governance webpage.
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